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Electronic Office of Castilla y León

Redes Sociales

  • Electronic Office
  • Procedures and services
  • Admission to residential homes for the elderly permanent stays
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Admission to residential homes for the elderly permanent stays

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Procedure identification codes:

  • IAPA: 243
  • SIA: 1278360


To offer permanent housing and a place to live together, providing comprehensive, continuous and daily care to elderly people who meet the conditions set out in the regulations in force to be users of the same and who cannot satisfy their needs by other means.


Senior citizens


  • People over 65 years of age.
  • People over 60 years of age, mentally handicapped.
  • EXCEPTIONALLY, persons under 60 years of age who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's type dementia.
  • The prior and free consent of the person or persons admitted is a necessary condition, which will be given by means of a written declaration signed by the interested party in the procedures initiated ex officio or by signing the application, in the procedures initiated by a party.

What documents do I need?

Standard application form addressed to the Management of Social Services of Castile and Leon provided by the Management itself.

DOCUMENTATION: DNI; Certificate of EMPADRONAMIENTO issued by the Town Hall; declaration of the applicant's IRPF for the last three financial years.


Open and permanent.


  • 6 months and applicants are notified.


  • Alzada.
  • Contencioso-administrativo.

Download of type document PDFOpen a new window Información general sobre recursos administrativos (760 kbytes)



  • DECREE 56/2001, of 8th March, which approves the regulations governing the system of access to places in residential centres for the elderly, dependent on the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leonn and to places in other establishments (BOCyL 20-03-2001)
  • ORDER FAM/1056/2007, of 31 May, which regulates the scales for the assessment of applications for admission and transfers in residential centres and day-care units for the elderly dependent on the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon and for places in other establishments (BOCyL 18-06-2007)
  • DECREE 12/1997, of 30 January, which regulates the concerted action in terms of reservation and occupation in Social Services Centres for elderly and disabled people (BOCyL 05-02-1997)
  • ORDER FAM/763/2011, of 6 June, which regulates the benefits of the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency in Castile and Leon, the calculation of the economic capacity and the support measures for professional carers (BOCyL 09-6-2011)
  • DECREE 70/2011, of 22 December, establishing the PUBLIC PRICES for services provided by the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon in the field of Social Services (BOCyL 05-01-2012)
  • DECREE 18/2019, of 23 May, amending Decree 70/2011, of 22 December, establishing the public prices for services provided by the Administration of the Community of Castile and León in the field of social services (BOCyL 28-05-2019)
  • RESOLUTION of 30 July 2020, of the Social Services Management of Castile and Leon, amending the Resolution of 20 March 2019, which establishes the maximum cost per day of occupied place relating to the concerted action on the reservation and occupation of places in Social Services Centres (BOCyL 31-07-2020)


Organisation responsible


Gerencias Territoriales de Servicios Sociales


Gerencias Territoriales de Servicios Sociales

Steps for electronic processing (online):

  1. Disponer de certificado electrónico y comprobar requisitos técnicos.
  2. Acceder a la tramitación, pudiendo en su caso hacer uso de tres posibles medios distintos:
    1. A través de una Aplicación: Autenticarse (certificado electrónico,  DNIe, Cl@veFirma, cuenta Educa, etc.),  seleccionar trámite, cumplimentar campos requeridos y seguir las indicaciones que se muestren en pantalla.
    2. Mediante un Formulario Online PDF ( Instrucciones para realizar tramitaciones electrónicas ) abriendo el PDF directamente con Adobe Acrobat Reader o guardándolo, cumplimentar campos requeridos y enviar a través de la Aplicación de Administración Electrónica
    3. Mediante Formulario Web: Cumplimentar campos requeridos de cada apartado, pulsar “Revisar” y realizar las correcciones oportunas, en su caso, y tras ello pulsar sobre la opción de tramitación electrónica (“Presentar/Enviar/Guardar”).
  3. Comprobar la solicitud, anexar documentación, firmar y registrar electrónicamente toda la documentación.
  4. Descargar justificante de presentación.


Electronic Processing

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Last updated: 26 de noviembre de 2023