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Electronic Office of Castilla y León

Redes Sociales

  • Electronic Office
  • Procedures and services
  • Admission to care centres for the elderly day stays
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Admission to care centres for the elderly day stays

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Procedure identification codes:

  • IAPA: 242
  • SIA: 1278359


To offer the care needed by the elderly during the day, preferably aimed at those who suffer from limitations in their functional capacity, in order to improve and/or maintain their level of personal autonomy, offering comprehensive, individualised and dynamic care, of a socio-sanitary nature and family support.


  • People over 65 years of age.
  • People over 60 years of age with serious limitations in their functional capacity.
  • Exceptionally, people under 60 years of age who have been diagnosed with dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease.

OTHER REQUIREMENTS: To be a Spanish resident in Castile and Leon; not to suffer from a contagious, chronic or terminal illness; in the case of people with severe limitations in their functional capacity according to the current scale, it will be essential to have support networks or to live with relatives or carers who can maintain the care provided in the day stay at home.

What documents do I need?

Standard application form addressed to the Social Services Management of Castile and y Leon, which is provided by the Management itself.

Download of type document PDF DOCUMENTATIONOpen a new window DOCUMENTATION (59 kbytes)


Open and permanent.


  • 6 months and applicants are notified.


  • By post at the address of the interested party or at the place indicated by him/her for the purpose of notifications.


  • Alzada.

Download of type document PDFOpen a new window Información general sobre recursos administrativos (760 kbytes)



  • DECREE 16/2002, of 24 January, which approves the regulations governing the system of access to places in day care units for the elderly, dependent on the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon (BOCyL 30-01-2002)
  • ORDER FAM/1056/2007, of 31 May, which regulates the scales for the assessment of applications for admission and transfers in residential centres and day-care units for the elderly dependent on the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon and for places in other establishments (BOCyL 18-06-2007)
  • RESOLUTION of 30 April 2008, of the Social Services Management of Castile and Leon, by which the minimum score required for access to the list of demand for places in the residential centres for dependent elderly persons of the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon and to the places arranged in other establishments is determined (BOCyL 06-05-2008)
  • DECREE 70/2011, of 22 December, establishing the PUBLIC PRICES for services rendered by the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon in the field of Social Services (BOCyL 05-01-2012)
  • DECREE 18/2019, of 23 May, amending Decree 70/2011, of 22 December, establishing the public prices for services provided by the Administration of the Community of Castile and Leon in the field of social services (BOCyL 28-05-2019)
  • RESOLUTION of 30 July 2020, of the Social Services Management of Castile and Leon, amending the Resolution of 20 March 2019, which establishes the maximum cost per day of occupied place relating to the concerted action on the reservation and occupation of places in Social Services Centres (BOCyL 31-07-2020)


Organisation responsible


Gerencias Territoriales de Servicios Sociales


Gerencias Territoriales de Servicios Sociales

Steps for electronic processing (online):

  1. Disponer de certificado electrónico y comprobar requisitos técnicos.
  2. Acceder a la tramitación, pudiendo en su caso hacer uso de tres posibles medios distintos:
    1. A través de una Aplicación: Autenticarse (certificado electrónico,  DNIe, Cl@veFirma, cuenta Educa, etc.),  seleccionar trámite, cumplimentar campos requeridos y seguir las indicaciones que se muestren en pantalla.
    2. Mediante un Formulario Online PDF ( Instrucciones para realizar tramitaciones electrónicas ) abriendo el PDF directamente con Adobe Acrobat Reader o guardándolo, cumplimentar campos requeridos y enviar a través de la Aplicación de Administración Electrónica
    3. Mediante Formulario Web: Cumplimentar campos requeridos de cada apartado, pulsar “Revisar” y realizar las correcciones oportunas, en su caso, y tras ello pulsar sobre la opción de tramitación electrónica (“Presentar/Enviar/Guardar”).
  3. Comprobar la solicitud, anexar documentación, firmar y registrar electrónicamente toda la documentación.
  4. Descargar justificante de presentación.


Electronic Processing

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Last updated: 26 de noviembre de 2023