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Electronic Office of Castilla y León

Redes Sociales

  • Electronic Office
  • Procedures and services
  • Reimbursement for health care received in another member state of the European Union
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Reimbursement for health care received in another member state of the European Union

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Procedure identification codes:

  • IAPA: 2347
  • SIA: 1278427


To regulate the procedure for obtaining reimbursement of expenses for healthcare received in another EU Member State.


Natural persons (patients) who have received healthcare in another EU Member State (or, where applicable, legal representatives).


  • Be recognised as an insured person or beneficiary and be a holder of the SACYL Health Card.

What documents do I need?

  • Application for reimbursement on a standard form to be sent to the Area Health Manager of the province where the insured patient has his or her health card at the time of receiving cross-border healthcare.
  • The application shall be accompanied by the following documentation:

Download of type document PDF DOCUMENTATION to be submittedOpen a new window DOCUMENTATION to be submitted (90 kbytes)


The deadline for the submission of the application shall be THREE MONTHS from the date of payment of the assistance received.


  • The maximum period for resolving the procedure and notifying the decision will be THREE MONTHS from the date on which the application was received by the Area Health Management responsible for processing the procedure. Once this period has elapsed without an express decision having been handed down, the application submitted may be deemed to have been accepted.


  • By Postal Mail at the address of the interested party.


  • Alzada.



  • Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare (OJEU 4-04-2011).
  • Royal Decree 81/2014, of 7 February, establishing rules to ensure cross-border healthcare, and amending Royal Decree 1718/2010, of 17 December, on medical prescriptions and dispensing orders (B.O.E 8-02-2014).
  • Order SAN/1008/2014, of 18 November, which regulates the procedures for reimbursement and prior authorisation of cross-border healthcare (BOCyL 1-12-2014).


Organisation responsible


Gerencia de Salud de Área


Gerencia de Salud de Área


In some cases, in order to be entitled to reimbursement, prior authorisation is required, specifically the health benefits listed in

Reimbursement will only be guaranteed if the care provided is included in the common portfolio of services of the National Health System.

The patient must advance the cost of the expenses derived from the healthcare received. They will be reimbursed up to the amount that the same care would have cost if it had been provided in the territory of Castilla y León, in accordance with the provisions of Decree 78/2008, of 13 November, which approves the public prices for healthcare acts and services provided by the Regional Health Management of Castilla y León to patients who are not Social Security beneficiaries or when there are third parties obliged to pay, with the new amounts set out in the Annex to Decree 83/2013, of 26 December, which approves the new amounts of the public prices of the Community of Castilla y León; without in any case exceeding the cost actually paid. Accommodation or travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

Payment will be made by bank transfer to the account indicated in the corresponding application form.

For more information, please access the .

Steps for electronic processing (online):

  1. Provide an  electronic certificate and 
  2. Access the processing, being able to make use of three possible different means, where appropriate::
    1. Through an Application: Authenticate (electronic certificate, DNIe, Cl@veFirma, Educa account, etc.), select the procedure, fill in the required fields and follow the instructions on the screen..
    2. By means of an Online PDF Form  ( Instructions for carrying out electronic procedures ) by opening the PDF directly with Adobe Acrobat Reader or saving it, filling in the required fields and sending through  Electronic Administration Application
    3. Via Web Form: Fill in the required fields for each section, click "Review" and make the appropriate corrections, if applicable, and then click on the electronic processing option ("Submit/Send/Save")..
  3. Check the , attach documentation, sign and electronically record all documentation..
  4. Download proof of presentation.

Electronic Processing

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Last updated: 26 de mayo de 2024