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Electronic Office of Castilla y León

Redes Sociales

  • Electronic Office
  • Procedures and services
  • Comunication of opening or reopening of activity work centre
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Comunication of opening or reopening of activity work centre

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Procedure identification codes:

  • IAPA: 406
  • SIA: 1813069


Inform the competent Labour Authority of the opening, installation, transfer and extension of work centres, as well as the resumption of activity after major alterations, extensions or transformations. This obligation corresponds to the employer and affects all the company's workplaces.


  • The obligation to notify the opening of the work centre or the reopening of activities corresponds to the employer, regardless of the activity carried out.
  • The Opening Communication in construction works will only be carried out by employers who have the status of contractors in accordance with Royal Decree 1627/1997 (Article 2.2 of Order TIN/1071/2010, of 27 April).

What documents do I need?

  • Official Work Centre Opening Communication Form.
  • In openings or reopening of work centres that are NOT construction works, form Annex A must be completed.
  • In openings or reopening of work centres that ARE construction works, the forms Annex A and Annex B shall be filled in.


Within 30 DAYS FOLLOWING the start date of the activity.

In CONSTRUCTION WORKS, the opening communication SHALL BE PRIOR to the start of the works.


  • ROYAL DECREE 337/2010, of 19 March, amending Royal Decree 39/1997, of 17 January, approving the Prevention Services Regulations; Royal Decree 1109/2007, of 24 August, implementing Law 32/2006, of 18 October, regulating subcontracting in the construction sector and Royal Decree 1627/1997, of 24 October, establishing minimum health and safety provisions in construction work (BOE 23-03-2010)
  • ORDER TIN/1071/2010, of 27 April, on the requirements and information that must be included in notifications of the opening or resumption of activities in work centres (BOE 1-05-2010)
  • ROYAL DECREE 1627/1997, of 24 October, establishing the minimum health and safety provisions for construction work (BOE 25-10-1997)


Organisation responsible


Oficinas Territoriales de Trabajo

Steps for electronic processing (online):

  1. Provide an  electronic certificate and  technical requirements.
  2. Access the processing, being able to make use of three possible different means, where appropriate::
    1. Through an Application: Authenticate (electronic certificate, DNIe, Cl@veFirma, Educa account, etc.), select the procedure, fill in the required fields and follow the instructions on the screen..
    2. By means of an Online PDF Form  ( Instructions for carrying out electronic procedures ) by opening the PDF directly with Adobe Acrobat Reader or saving it, filling in the required fields and sending through  Electronic Administration Application
    3. Via Web Form: Fill in the required fields for each section, click "Review" and make the appropriate corrections, if applicable, and then click on the electronic processing option ("Submit/Send/Save")..
  3. Check the , attach documentation, sign and electronically record all documentation..
  4. Download proof of presentation.

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Last updated: 26 de noviembre de 2024